
Pastor Zack Savitski

Zack has been a member of Waynesboro Bible Church since 2016 and during his time here was called by God to enter full-time ministry. Following that call, Zack was appointed as Associate Pastor of WBC in August 2021 and called as Lead Pastor in March 2023. In 2022, he graduated from the 4-year Fellowship of Bible Churches Bible & Pastoral Training Program and was then ordained to the ministry.

Through the years God has continually grown Zack's passion for shepherding and preaching. Zack and Lisa live in Waynesboro with their four children and enjoy gardening, good conversation, and Indian food.


Don Shockey (Elder)

Don Shockey has been a member of Waynesboro Bible Church for almost 30 years and has faithfully served as an elder for more than 20 years. Don has an Associate's Degree in Biblical Studies from Antietam Bible College. Don has worn many different hats at WBC, including teaching Sunday School, managing the church's website, serving in the sound room, leading services, performing music, and meeting many other needs as they have arisen. Don is wonderfully reliable and works hard behind the scenes to help the church's wheels to keep turning. Don and Deb have been married for more than 50 years and have 3 children and 4 grandchildren. They live in Waynesboro where they care for a house full of pets!

Bill Costello (Elder)

Bill Costello has been a part of Waynesboro Bible Church for 14 years and has served as an elder for 11 of those years. He teaches Sunday School and Vacation Bible School, and meets various other needs. Prior to his years at Waynesboro Bible, Bill lived in NY and was active in lay ministry, hosting a home group for 24 years until he relocated to PA. Bill and Rosanne have 4 married children and an ever-increasing bundle of grandchildren (20 as of the last update). Bill enjoys the outdoors, especially gardening and walking!